We Carry an extensive Music Library suitable for all occasions, and it is Modify accordingly to each Event & Customers taste. We Feature over 100,000 Track titles & Genres beginning with the 1940’s and up to Today’s Current Top 40.

Not at All, We suggest you Opt in for us to provide an additional sound system which will allow uninterrupted music as your Guests mingle  and enjoy catching up over a cocktail.

We Often Provide the Ceremony Music, Let us Know if the ceremony is the same area as the reception or a different Location. We’ll be more than Happy to share any recommendation or ideas for your procession , Recessionals & Classical choices. 

Absolutely, We Have Traveled Frequently all over the Mid-South, and have performed events in Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Kentucky. We are willing & able to Travel to other destinations

Absolutely, we encourage you customize your event for you and your guests. Before your wedding , we will email you a Wedding information sheet on the Day of your booking  for you to organize all your request and choices for the grand day. Once it is ready we will go over the  information sheet and  plan accordingly with your event and agenda.

Generally speaking, we book six to nine months in advance. We have also events in under  two weeks and as far as fourteen months. Call as soon as you know the date you are interested in, so we can talk about our availability.

Color-matching up-lighting, Truss, video screens , custom monograms, Music videos, sound equipment. Call us so we can brainstorm together on creating a great event

We accept cash, personal checks, money order’s, and cashier checks. Cash App, Google Pay, PayPal plus 3% of total amount. We also accept Visa , Master Card, Discover and American Express.We also accept payment plans in case that works best for you.

Yes, We require a booking fee to reserve the Event or Items and secure the date.The remaining balance is due 7 days before your event.

Not a problem, We only book one event, per host per day, so there are no restrictions, simply authorize the DJ to stay as long as you would like.We will verify with the venue and continue the party! *includes an additional fee*